Three Ways Evernote can help you as a writer

EvernoteMy husband has been telling me how good the app Evernote is for a while now and how he thinks it could help me. This week, I finally started to pay attention to what he was saying when I read this article on Lifehacker, called ‘How to use Evernote for writing fiction.’

I had a quick read through the article and immediately picked up three ways that I thought Evernote could help me as a writer which I want to share with you today.

1. Evernote’s Web Clipper Even in the short space of time in which I’ve been writing, I have started to gather lots of bits and pieces of information to help me in my writing process. I have been bookmarking interesting websites, following other WordPress sites which then pop up in my reader and subscribing to some via email. This gives me a lot of reading material and I try and keep up with it all as best I can but never quite manage to finish reading.

As a result, I have a whole reading list of ‘How To’ articles to re-read later and when I have something specific I need to do, like writing a synopsis, for example, I find all the articles I bookmarked about that, sift out the least helpful ones and then find myself left with about half a dozen really useful articles to help me do the task in question. Now, I know that I will have to write a synopsis again at some point (unfortunately!) so what I’d like to be able to do is to keep all these articles together somewhere, other than just holding them on my reading list on Safari for ever or printing them out and storing them in a file to gather dust. This is where Evernote comes in 🙂 This facility allows you to ‘clip’ an article you want to keep and to store it for good without it cluttering up your desktop or your house. You simply clip the article from the internet using Evernote and it saves as a note. I can then create a notebook called ‘How to write a synopsis’ for example and then clip all the relevant articles into that notebook for future reference. This took very little time and now I have them all stored in one place.

2. Synching to all devices Evernote syncs on all your devices so you can access everything you’ve stored in it wherever you are, allowing you to read, write, take notes, look at images, listen to sound files and so on. I downloaded Evernote on to my Mac and on to my ‘phone and have already made good use of the synching facility. It’s a free application too which is even better for the impoverished author 😉

3. Capturing Images and storing them for research When you’re out and about, you can use Evernote to snap photos of anything you see that inspires you for your writing project. When you get home, you can then sync your devices and these images will be on your computer for you to use as you will. I will then copy images into Scrivener which is where I do my writing and may use these for characters or setting to give me ideas.

There are other ways of doing these things of course but what I like about Evernote is that it allows you to keep related things in one place and from an organisational point of view, I think that is very helpful indeed.

Do you use Evernote already? If so, what’s your favourite aspect? I’m looking to pick up tips! Or maybe you use another app which you think is just as good. Please share your thoughts in the comments below. Thanks for reading 🙂











A Thank You

Thank you to all those people who are now following my blog or who have liked posts I’ve made or made comments themselves. I’m still quite new to all this blogging stuff and have tried to say thank you directly but can’t seem to work out how! So I thought I’d do it via my blog which I do know how to do at least. I am learning it all bit by bit and I expect it to take me quite some time, given my age!! Please do bear with me though and keep on reading.










© Julie Stock and My Writing Life, 2013 – 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Julie Stock and My Writing Life with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Midway through July – Camp NaNoWriMo update, amongst other things

Well, it has been really hot recently, to say the least and doing anything at all has required real effort. I have been reading a lot this weekend which requires minimum effort and is my favourite past-time. But finally, it was time for me to write again and at last I have managed it. I am close to 3,000 words now but I will have to write 423 words a day for the rest of the month to meet my goal of 10,000 words. It didn’t seem like a terrible goal when I set it but now it seems IMPOSSIBLE 😦 I am still working till 24 July and there is so much stuff to do at the end of a school year that I just can’t imagine meeting my goal and I will be so fed up if I don’t meet it.

Anyway, the Office of Letters and Light tweeted a good post today by Holly Black who advised us to take it all one day at a time and to try not to get too bogged down by the goal and perhaps, if we’re really lucky, we’ll meet our goal anyway. I feel a bit glass half full today, as you can probably tell 🙂