How to List a Goodreads Giveaway (and Post C2C Festival fatigue!)

AsIMG_0057 I mentioned in last week’s post, I was busy this past weekend attending the C2C (Country-to-Country) Music Festival at the O2 Arena in London. And what a great festival it was once again. We attended a special CMA Songwriters Series event on Friday night which was fantastic and a taste of what’s to come when we go to Nashville at the end of this month.

Then we went back to London again yesterday for a full day at the festival. I was really looking forward to seeing Lady Antebellum again, having been lucky enough to see them in a smaller venue last October but I also wanted to see as much British Country Music talent as I could as well. The singer I was really looking forward to seeing play live was Callaghan. I heard one of her songs on Bob Harris’ Country Show on Radio 2 a couple of weeks ago and since then, I’ve listened to her music as much as I can and also followed her to keep up with what she’s doing. She has been lovely and interacted with me a few times so when I was able to see her play yesterday and say hello, it was a real highlight for me. Her story is an interesting one: she’s from the UK originally but went out to Atlanta four years ago at the request of Shawn Mullins, an American singer-songwriter who specialises in folk/Americana music and he helped her record her first album. She’s now based in Nashville. You might see now why her story delighted me when I read it just a few weeks ago! I’m not sure if there’s any romance though 😉

So I knew that I would be tired this morning and that it would therefore take me a while to get going on this morning’s blog post. I had not planned on it taking me quite this long though 😉 If you have ever tried to do anything on Goodreads as an author, you will probably understand why!

During the week, I received the proof copy of the paperback version of From Here to Nashville which comes all the way from the US to authors based in the UK. When it arrived, I was very excited of course, until I realised that the only thing I’d forgotten to include in the copy was the ISBN which I had paid precious pounds for the privilege of using. Doh! Anyway, I quickly amended it and uploaded it to CreateSpace fairly painlessly. It took a few days and then, hey presto, there it was, up on Amazon and linked to my ebook page as well without any problems. I had been expecting some difficulties but I was glad in the end that there weren’t any. If you want to go and buy your copy, here’s the link.

So I decided to write my blog post about listing a giveaway on Goodreads. Before doing anything, I read a couple of other blog posts about it first which were both very helpful and their links are here for you – Catherine Ryan Howard and Novel Publicity. I really would recommend you to read these and to mostly ignore the Goodreads advice on what to do!

Here are the main tips I would highlight for you if you’re planning to list a giveaway yourself.

1. Is your paperback book on Goodreads? The most important thing is that you must have your book in the database before you can list it. I had thought it would automatically upload to Goodreads once it was listed on Amazon but it didn’t so I had to add it as a new edition of my book first. You do this from the existing book’s page and make sure to add a cover file as well. Then you have to combine the editions, which I found I couldn’t do myself so I had to contact Goodreads and ask them to do that for me. They did this pretty quickly.

2. Where are you prepared to send it to? Catherine Ryan Howard’s advice is to list it for all countries which I have now done. This does mean being prepared to send it anywhere in the world but most likely, your winner will be in the US because that is where most Goodreads members live.

3. How long should you run it for? Goodreads suggest running your giveaway for as long as a month but this way, your giveaway will get hidden amongst all the others. The advice from those who have tried running one seems to suggest that shorter is sweeter.

4. How many copies? If you’re self-published, you will be thinking about every penny (or whatever your currency is!) Novel Publicity’s experience from doing a number of giveaways is that it’s not the number of books that matter. You can run several short giveaways (spaced appropriately apart) and offer a copy at a time. The thing to remember here is that the goal is to increase your visibility and you should do that regardless of the number of copies being given away. Do make sure that you highlight the fact that it will be a signed copy too!

5. When will it start? Schedule your giveaway for a few days ahead because it will take a couple of days for Goodreads to upload it for you and you may change your mind about the contents after you have time to think about it.

Hopefully, next week, I will be able to tell you that my giveaway is going really well because I’ve set it to run from Thursday this week to Tuesday of next week. If you’d like to enter the giveaway, the link is below. Remember though, it starts on Thursday.

Have you run a giveaway on Goodreads? What was your experience? If you have any questions or comments, do remember to leave me a message below. Hope you have a great writing week.


Goodreads Book Giveaway

From Here to Nashville by Julie Stock

From Here to Nashville

by Julie Stock

Giveaway ends March 16, 2015.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

10 thoughts on “How to List a Goodreads Giveaway (and Post C2C Festival fatigue!)

  1. Goodreads has many benefits for authors. It’s hard to ignore that, but I wonder … can’t they make it easier to use?

    Even as a reader, I find it very cumbersome.

    Do you think they get away with it because there’s so little competition?

    Sorry you had so much trouble!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think you’re right but the Librarians are wonderful and quick to help. I think if you’ve done everything once, it gets a bit easier but I hear you. It is definitely not an intuitive site. I’ve done it now though. As long as I can do what I’m trying to in the end, I’m okay 😉


  2. Glad you enjoyed the festival. It looked like lots of fun! As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve done one Goodreads giveaway. I was pleased with the results. I did mine for 30 days, but limited it to just a few countries. Someone in the UK won and shipping was quite costly, but she did leave a nice review, so I felt it was worth it. Next time I would make it open to everyone, as I had a few people express interest on my blog that they would have liked to have entered, but couldn’t because of their location. We continually learn. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Dena. That’s interesting to see your experience. As you say, we are learning all the time. There’s some interesting stuff on Catherine’s site about how to mail books out in the cheapest possible way which might be helpful if you do it again 🙂 I’ve opened it to all countries but goodness knows what will happen if the winner lives somewhere really exotic! That will be another day working out how to send it 😉


  3. Thanks Julie for another great post, with useful advice which I intend to re-read and follow when the time comes! Doesn’t everything in this process take longer and involve more than we anticipate when we set out! Thank goodness that learning is good for our brains, and a special thanks to other authors who share their experience – I am including you in this! I hope I can be as useful myself if I ever make it out of the marketing morass with knowledge worth sharing! Roll on second books, when we will, of course, know everything 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for reading, Sam. It really does take longer than you expect to do everything and it’s so difficult to juggle it along with all the other things you have to do as well. In some ways, I find it helpful to write it all down just for myself so that I can understand it next time too! Yeah, I really hope the next time round will be easier 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Julie,
    Thanks for a great post on Goodreads Giveaways! I have just finished mine, which attracted a lot of interest – it remains to be seen how many of those people go on to be seriously interested in my novel, Someone Else’s Conflict, but I’m hoping. 🙂
    I was interested in reading about the length of time to list it for. I listed mine for a month and got a lot of interest throughout the period, particularly the last week or so when I tweeted it a few timese. So I don’t doubt that short and frequent ones can be effective (and intend to do another myself at some stage) but I certainly didn’t find it got “buried”.
    I’m in the UK but listed it internationally – yes, expensive on postage but hopefully it generates more interest.

    Good luck with yours!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for reading and commenting, Alison. It’s so helpful to hear about someone else’s experience. I’ll have to try a longer one after this and see what happens. As you say though, whether it translates into sales is another thing but I’m happy to increase my visibility for now. I’ll be off to look you up now 🙂


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